Liberty Live mobile app - Adding a User from the app

Liberty Live mobile app - Adding a User from the app

You can add a new user in the Liberty Live mobile app by going through the following steps.

Step 1: Click the hamburger menu (3 horizontal lines) in the top left hand corner of the Liberty Live mobile app.

Step 2: Select "Users". This will bring you to a screen showing all the users that have been saved in the system. To edit an existing user, press the three dots next to their name.

Step 3: Click the plus sign in the bottom right hand corner to add a new user. Give them a name and then hit "Create" in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Step 4: Choose whether the user will have panel or front door (if you have a door lock) access and assign a 4-digit code for the user. You can also select specific access times for the user.

Please note: It may take several minutes until the code syncs with your security system.